1. Book an Airbnb in Ukraine but don't stay there - this gets money direct to people in Ukraine! https://www.airbnb.org/help-ukraine?locale=en-SG

  2. If you are an influencer offer your social medial for a Ukranian to post appeals or information on about the war. https://www.theverge.com/c/22971491/ukraine-tiktok-influencers-russian-invasion

  3. Send SMS's to Russians in Russia about what is really going on! https://1920.in/

  4. Hire Ukrainians on Fivver and other freelancing websites to do nothing so they can get money to survive.

  5. Host Ukrainians in your home. https://www.ukrainetakeshelter.com/

  6. Buy a piece of downed Russian aircraft to support the UAF. https://old.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/uce59w/have_you_ever_wanted_a_su34_fullback_strike/

  7. Write to your congress-person, member of parliament and senators requesting they support Ukraine. Suggested template is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/t2i4al/template_of_ukraine_support_letter_to_congress/